Infrastructure advisory

In the current environment, characterized by the need for infrastructure projects based on public-private alliances, we provide our clients with comprehensive solutions that allow them to carry out their projects successfully.

Over the last years we have worked to provide solutions for the national and the provincial governments, for domestic and foreign private companies, public-private alliances and binational companies.

  • We provided advisory services to the National Government for capital market transactions in excess of AR$10,000 million.
  • We provided advisory services to provincial housing agencies for the issuance of public securities.
  • Asesoramos a Parque Arauco SAPEM en la estructuración y presentación de un proyecto eólico de 100 MW en Renovar 1, el cual resultó adjudicado.
  • We conducted economic-financial feasibility analyses of Yacyretá, a binational entity, in connection with a water level increase in the year 2000.
  • We provided assistance to a public-private alliance in connection with works performed in the Chaco aqueduct.
  • Our commitment is based on our ability to offer comprehensive solutions for our clients.

We provide the following services for the industry:

  • Advisory services for public-private alliances
  • Advisory services for competitive bidding processes
  • Project finance and financial structuring
  • Support in dealings with multilateral agencies
  • Economic-financial pre-feasibility analysis
  • International financing
